7 Meals That Are Better Than Fast Food

Many parents want their children to eat delicious and healthy food. But it’s harder and longer to prepare it than going out and buying a couple of cheeseburgers or ordering a pizza. We’ve gathered recipes for dishes that cost less than fast food, and cook faster than delivery.

Chicken pita roll

Instead of the Caesar Roll with chicken from the famous place, make this appetizer for the kids at home. The recipe is simple and takes only 15 minutes to prepare. In the classic version, smoked chicken breast fillet is wrapped in pita bread, but for children it is better to take boiled meat and replace mayonnaise with sour cream.
Due to its chemical composition, thin Armenian lavash has a positive effect on digestion, normalizes the level of acidity in the stomach and regulates the amount of cholesterol. This product is only stored for three days, so pay attention to the expiration date.

Scrambled eggs and potatoes Italian style

The frittata is a versatile dish that’s great for breakfast and as a snack. It’s quick to make with whatever you have in the fridge. Finely chop all the ingredients, pour over the eggs and send to the preheated oven. You can find variations on the web with potatoes, beans, mushrooms, and pasta.

Homemade chicken strips

Chicken dishes cook pretty quickly, and nuggets are no exception. In half an hour, you’ll have pieces of chicken filet on the table with a firm and crispy crust. Such a snack is much healthier than store-bought.

Nuggets can be spread on fresh lettuce leaves and served with vegetables – so you can teach your child about healthy foods, too. Here are a few more ways to make children friends with vegetables.

Quick pizza

Another Italian dish that has conquered the world. The mini pizzas in this recipe are perfect if you have unexpected guests or children are hungry. They are ready in 25 minutes, yeast dough can be replaced by puff pastry, and you can put anything you want in the toppings: pieces of meat and chicken, vegetables, cheese, herbs and fruit.

Fruit and vegetable slices

Chips are the fastest and most unhealthy snack. But you can make them healthier if you make them from vegetables, fruits or seaweed nori. They will be ready in 10-20 minutes and are a great alternative to purchased chips.

Beet chips are good as a standalone snack and as an additive to salads or hot meals. You can also make chips from apples, bananas and pears or seaweed.

Croutons with onion and egg

A sandwich can be a hearty breakfast and a good snack option. Just cook it not with store-bought sausage, but, for example, with onions in the egg – it is both tasty and healthy. The main thing is that it takes about 10 minutes to cook.

To avoid crunchy onions, you can fry them in advance. If the sandwiches go as a standalone snack, offer with them a sauce, such as sour cream or tomato sauce.

Vegetable Fritters

Another snack option is zucchini pancakes. We suggest the original version with bell peppers, it will give the dish juiciness and spiciness. They are cooked very quickly – just 10 minutes. Fritters will be a good option for a side dish to meat or a light dinner. Here we tell you what other dishes you can make with young zucchini for the whole family.

What can you do?

Teach your children the rules of healthy eating. The best way is to be less into fast food yourself and to watch cartoons about eating habits as a family.